segunda-feira, agosto 16, 2010


"What's the worst thing that ever happened to you, Jimmy?" someone playing a girl named Claire reads off camera. "Unconditional love," the boy says, the character of Jimmy turning away in mock shame, but the boy was reading the line wrong, giving it the wrong emphases, smirking when he should have been totally serious, turning it into a punch line when it was never supposed to be a joke.

(Bret Easton Ellis - "Imperial Bedrooms")

domingo, agosto 15, 2010


"Why are you smiling?" he asks.
"It must be a pretty good act," I say. "This... fantasy I have of myself."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you bought into it," I say.
"I never thought you'd actually fall for her."
"Why did you think that?"
"Because Blair told me how cold you could be."

(Bret Easton Ellis - "Imperial Bedrooms")

segunda-feira, agosto 09, 2010

Coisas que fascinam

Desde o dia em que deixei de ser míope que não escrevo nada de nada.

Sr. Doutor, posso (rea)ver os pedacinhos de cristalino que me removeu, por favor?